About Us

The PEDROSA CONSULTORIA AÇUCAREIRA LTDA. is a firm of Engineering, Industrial Consulting, in order to meet the sector finds in the productions of Sugar, Alcohol and Sub-products derived from sugar cane.
Besides the implementation of new projects, always looking to optimize existing industrial establishments, with the maximum utilization of equipment and systems installed, fitting them within the best technological innovations.

The PEDROSA CONSULTORIA, have in your team and partnership, technicians and engineers from various branches of engineering, being able to meet the Sugarcane Industry as a whole, offering customers within their specific needs, the option that best meets the cost - benefit. The projects developed and produced by PEDROSA CONSULTING, have the best possible performance and efficiencies to be obtained, as can be observed at the various installations performed.

Working in teams with the effective participation of technicians from plants, this is one reason the good results achieved by projects PEDROSA.

Experience, knowledge and best results are the differentials of PEDROSA CONSULTORIA.

Technical Responsibility

The responsible technical PEDROSA CONSULTORIA is the Chemical Engineer Carlos Alberto Pedrosa, with experience in Industrial Projects, from their courses Gymnasium Industrial Design and Technical High Schools in Industrial Design Forum, at its Academic Training for Chemical Engineering and Technology Sugar in School Chemistry, Federal University of Pernambuco in 1972.

He worked as a Design Planner before their academic training, starting its activities in the biofuels industry in 1970, with steady work, either directly operating the industrial process, managing or projetando.Como Industrial Consultant, began operations in 1987, since then work on developing Sugar Industry in Brazil and abroad.

In the calculations of thermal balance, gets intakes of pounds of steam per ton of sugarcane, 380-420 for a process with 100% sugar and 340-380, depending on the percentage of sugarcane for sugar and alcohol. Takes full advantage of the thermal energy contained in the condensed water and stillage, running multiple bleeds in evaporators using steam vegetables first, second and third effects on cooks masas A, B and C, first and second end to the mass of refined sugar , from first to fourth in the heating effect of the broth and effects on first or second distillation columns.

In the operation of the Sugar Factory, he worked with systems of three and two pastas cooked, with emphasis on esgotabildade molasses and quality of sugar obtained, Crystal, Demerara and VHP/VVHP and Adjoining or Autonoma Refineries, production of refined sugar in the Granules and Amorphous.

Contact Us
Av. Presidente Vargas, 2121 sl. 706 - Edifício Times Square Business - Jardim América
Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo - Brasil
CEP: 14020-260
Telefone: +55 (16) 3235-1025
Celular: +55 (16) 98135-1313 pedrosa@pedrosaconsultoria.com.br